From 6 to 9


The elementary section is bilingual French–English by immersion. Two teachers and one assistant are present at all times in the classroom and teach all the subjects in French and in English.

Children can be welcomed from 7:45 in our morning school care in front of the school or in the car park at the bottom of the school.

Lower Elementary

The Lower Elementary class combines the HarmoS grades 3-4-5 pupils (6-9 years old).

From HarmoS grade 3, the children also learn German – unlike the State system where German is part of the curriculum from grade 5 HarmoS.

The children’s progress is monitored throughout the academic year, and parents are invited to an individual meeting at the end of the first quarter. At the end of the school year, they receive a written account of their child’s progress.

Throughout the school year, parents may ask the director to provide them with a report on their child’s progress. Similarly, the school may, during the course of the year, invite parents to attend one or several additional meetings, if necessary.

Timetable and Holidays

In the Elementary class, the pupils attend school from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 15:00, except on Wednesdays when they finish at 12:00. They can enrol for the supervised study period every day from 15:00 until 17:00 or 18:00. On Wednesdays, recreational activities with lunch are available from 12:00 to 13:00, 15:00, 17:00 or 18:00.

Annual planning 2024-2025

Annual planning 2025-2026


The following topics are taught at our school: Language / Mathematics / German / General Culture: History, Geography, Biology, Botany, and Zoology / Art and Music / Physical Education and Movement.

The international Montessori program, which includes the objectives of international programs and those of the Plan d’études romand (PER), is also studied.

Those pupils who have followed the bilingual curriculum at the ISN from the beginning will thus be better prepared to integrate later on, either into a French class in a State or private school, or into a class in another English-speaking international school.

Supervised study period

A supervised study period lasting from 15:00 to 17:00 (including 15 to 30 minutes for a snack – supplied by the school – and playtime), during which the pupils of the elementary section can do all or part of their school work, is available upon enrolment every day of the week except Wednesdays. The supervisor in charge of this period is there to assist and guide the children, but not to teach them anything that has not been understood in class. She will, however, inform the relevant teacher in case of doubt as to the comprehension or assimilation of a lesson.

School fees and information

Fees are paid quarterly or yearly (monthly payments are possible but only upon special request).


Contact us


The Lower Elementary class is available as a priority to the pupils who have followed the programme of the Children’s House. However, we are also open to welcoming external pupils.

Children must be (at least) six years old by latest 31st July of the enrolment year.

Any request for a child’s advancement may be lodged with the canton’s competent authorities (to be discussed with the Director of the nursery school the child is attending).

Enrolment form

Rue de Ste Hélène 50 – 2000 Neuchâtel +41 (0) 32 721 43 88

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